Pupils visit Amfin

December 2022 | News

A small number of pupils visited Amfin this week, to learn about the operations of a local specialist engineering and aerospace surface coatings company.

Pupils from Hastings High School received an insight into the work carried out at Amfin for both aerospace and military applications.

They also received a talk from Managing Director, Mr Gary Griffiths, about the company and his own personal career pathway.

"We would like to thank Mr Griffiths for accommodating the two groups of pupils and taking the time to talk with pupils about engineering opportunities."

Mr Tilbury, who accompanied the second group of pupils, reported that the pupils were engaged and enthusiastic and asked question after question.

In fact, the pupils had so many questions that that Mr Tilbury was worried that they would not make it back to school in time for the end of the school day!